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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 09:52:16 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”特殊节日“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:special festival。以下是关于特殊节日的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”特殊节日“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:special festival。以下是关于特殊节日的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:special festival

A unique laboratory at the University of Chicago, which is only busy at night, is a dream lab where researchers are studying dreamers. Their results show that everyone dreams three to seven times at night, although in daily life, one may not remember or only remember one dream.


芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)的一个独特的实验室只在晚上忙碌,这是一个梦境实验室,研究人员正在研究做梦的人。他们的研究结果表明,每个人晚上都会梦到3到7次梦,尽管在日常生活中,一个人可能不记得或只记得一个梦。


The ninth day of the ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the traditional Double Ninth Festival, also known as the Double Ninth Festival. In an ancient and mysterious book of changes or the book of changes, people think that "6" is Yin, meaning negative or negative, and "9" is considered to be Yang, which means masculine or positive. Therefore, the number nine of the month and day creates the Double Ninth Festival, or the Double Ninth Festival also has the meaning of "Double Ninth" in Chinese Chongyang has the same unciation as "forever", both of which are "Jiu Jiu".

Chinese ancestors believe that this is an auspicious day worthy of celebration, which is why ancient Chinese began to celebrate this festival a long time ago.




China is one of the great ancient civilizations in the world. It has a long history. Celebrations and festivals are an integral part of civilization.

Some festivals have been held for many years. These festivals are not only the important cultural expression and enjoyment of the Chinese people, but also the important source of cultural expression and enjoyment for Asian people in neighboring countries. We can safely say that China's festival culture has now become an important source of cultural expression and enjoyment It is an integral part of world heritage and culture.

Preface chapter I Chinese new year I New Year celebrations of ethnic minorities in Northeast and Northwest China II. Spring festival celebrations of ethnic minorities in Southwest China III. New Year celebrations of ethnic minorities in the South and southeast of China Chapter II production festivals I festivals for celebrating harvest II festivals for praying for good harvests III festivals for multi ethnic tasting new agricultural products IV festivals for celebrating harvest Chapter III festivals for sacrifices and commemorations I Qingming Festival Ⅱ Dragon Boat Festival Ⅲ commemorative festivals for other sacrifices Chapter IV religious festivals Ⅰ folk religious festivals Ⅱ Buddhist festivals Ⅲ Islamic festivals Ⅴ recreational festivals Ⅰ nomadic race horse racing festival Ⅱ northern singing Festival Ⅲ southern ethnic singing Festival Ⅳ women's day Ⅰ eating sister meals, sister Festival Ⅱ Mid Autumn Festival and women Ⅲ flower appreciation Festival.


