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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 15:29:21 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”演讲看图说话图片“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Speech Look at pictures, talk pictures。以下是关于演讲看图说话图片的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”演讲看图说话图片“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Speech Look at pictures, talk pictures。以下是关于演讲看图说话图片的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Speech Look at pictures, talk pictures

I see a picture of a crowded city street with many people and cars. The buildings are tall and modern and there are colorful billboards and signs everywhere. The street is filled with energy and movement.


In the picture I can see people walking on the sidewalks and some are crossing the street at the zebra crossing. It seems like a busy time of the day with everyone rushing to their destination. The cars are honking their horns and moving slowly through the traffic.


Looking closely I notice that there are different kinds of shops and stores along the street. There is a clothing store with mannequins displaying fashionable clothes a café with people sitting outside enjoying their drinks and a bookstore with shelves filled with books. It seems like a place where people can find everything they need.


In the background I can see some skysers and tall buildings. They give the city a modern and bustling vibe. The bright lights and neon signs make the city come alive even at night.


Overall this picture represents a lively and vibrant city scene. It shows the hustle and bustle of life with people and cars moving quickly and various shops and establishments catering to the needs of the residents and visitors.


万能作文模板2:演讲看图片 , 说话图片

As an English expert I would like to share with you the technique of writing English compositions based on pictures. This is a popular way to test your language skills in both written and oral forms. By describing the details in a picture you are showing your ability to use vocabulary grammar and sentence structures.


First and foremost you need to yze the picture carefully. Look at the objects people and scenery in the background. Pay attention to their positions expressions and actions. Think about what they convey or symbolize. Try to identify the main theme or message of the picture.


Next organize your thoughts and write a draft. Start with an engaging introduction that describes the picture and captures the reader's attention. Use descriptive vocabulary and vivid language to create a clear and concise impression. Then develop your ideas in the body paragraphs using specific examples and evidence from the picture. Use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas and make your writing cohesive. Finally conclude your essay with a summary of your main points and an insightful ysis.


Here is an example to ilrate the technique


Picture Analysis

The picture shows a man sitting on a bench in a park looking sad and lonely. There are a few pigeons around him but they seem to be avoiding him. There are trees and bushes in the background and a clear blue sky above.



Essay Outline

Introduction Describe the picture and the man's emotions.

Body Paragraph 1 Describe the surroundings and the pigeons' behavior.

Body Paragraph 2 Analyze the man's body language and expressions.

Body Paragraph 3 Interpret the meaning of the picture and the message it conveys.

Conclusion Summarize the main points and provide insights into the human condition.







Essay Draft

The picture portrays a man sitting alone on a bench in a park surrounded by pigeons but feeling isolated and dejected. The pigeons seem to avoid him perhaps sensing his sadness or indifference. The trees and bushes in the background suggest a natural and peaceful setting yet the man's mood is anything but serene. His posture and facial expression indicate a feeling of resignation or hopelessness. He might be reflecting on his life choices or dealing with a personal crisis. Whatever the reason the picture reminds us of the universal human experience of loneliness and longing for connection. We can all relate to the feeling of being an outsider or struggling with inner demons. This picture challenges us to empathize with the man and be more mindful of our own feelings and those of others.


