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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 15:43:46 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”勤俭节约“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:thrifty。以下是关于勤俭节约的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。



Thriftiness and Frugality

In today's society thriftiness and frugality have become increasingly important values. With the continuous development of the economy people's consumption levels have also risen leading to a trend of excessive waste. However practicing thriftiness and frugality can bring us numerous benefits.

Firstly thriftiness and frugality can help individuals maintain a stable and healthy financial situation. By cutting unnecessary expenses and avoiding impulse buying individuals can save more money and develop a good habit of budgeting. This can provide a sense of security and a solid foundation for future financial planning.

Secondly practicing thriftiness and frugality can contribute to environmental protection. Excessive consumption not only wastes resources but also generates more waste and pollution. By using resources wisely and reducing unnecessary consumption we can reduce our ecological footprint and contribute to the sustainable development of the environment.

Moreover thriftiness and frugality promote self-discipline and self-control. By resisting the temptation of excessive consumption one can cultivate a sense of self-control and better manage their desires and impulses. This can help individuals lead a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

In conclusion thriftiness and frugality are valuable virtues that individuals should embrace. They can not only help us maintain a stable financial situation but also contribute to environmental protection and personal self-discipline. Let's start practicing thriftiness and frugality in our daily lives and build a better future for ourselves and the world.












Saving money has always been one of the core values of Chinese culture. In recent years more and more people have started to focus on saving resources and protecting the environment. The spirit of diligence and frugality has become a part of modern life.

Diligence and frugality can not only help us reduce waste and unnecessary spending but also protect the earth and the environment. We can take simple measures to save energy and water resources such as using energy-saving light bulbs turning off unused appliances and reducing shower time.

In addition diligence and frugality can also improve our quality of life. By choosing a healthier diet and reducing the consumption of junk food we can improve our health. And using the money saved for education travel investment and other aspects can also improve our standard of living.

In summary diligence and frugality can not only help us reduce waste and unnecessary spending but also protect the environment and improve our quality of life. Let us start with small things from ourselves and build a better world together.


Dear friends, we have graduated now. Most of our textbooks are useless. It's a waste to throw them away.

Why not give the used textbooks to the next student? We can learn how to care for other students. This can not only save some paper, but also help the poor. It can also establish some hobbies, let students read books carefully and learn Students can learn to share and feel happy in sharing.

In a word, it is meaningful for students to learn in school and society. If all our students do this, we will find different ways to help us. Let's do it right now and build a harmonious school and world, OK.


