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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 16:14:08 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”2022甲卷“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:2022 Volume A。以下是关于2022甲卷的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”2022甲卷“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:2022 Volume A。以下是关于2022甲卷的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:2022 Volume A


假如你是李华你的美国笔友Tom 发来电子邮件询问你们学校今年的文化节活动请你用英语回一封邮件向他介绍你们学校今年文化节活动的情况

Dear Tom

Thank you for your email. I am very happy to share with you information about our school's cultural festival this year.

Our school held the cultural festival from May 15th to May 17th. The theme of this year's cultural festival is "Celebrating Diversity and Harmony." During these three days there were many activities such as dance performances drama performances traditional music performances and so on. Students from different grades and schools came together to showcase their talents and cultural backgrounds.

In addition to performances there were also many stalls selling traditional food crafts and costumes from different cultures. Students and visitors could try on clothes sample food and learn about different cultures.

Overall the cultural festival was a huge success. It was a great opportunity for students to learn about different cultures and promote harmony and diversity.

Have a great day

Best regards

Li Hua









万能作文模板2:2022 年 A 卷

My Trip to Beijing

Last summer I went on a trip to Beijing with my family. We were all excited to explore the capital city and learn about its rich history and culture.

During our trip we visited many famous landmarks such as the Great Wall the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. The Great Wall was even more magnificent than I had imagined. As I stood on top of the wall I was in awe of its grandeur and beauty. It was a surreal experience to walk along the same path that ancient soldiers once treaded.

The Forbidden City was also impressive. I was amazed by the intricate details and architecture of the palace. It was interesting to learn about the emperors who once lived there and the rituals they followed. The Summer Palace was a tranquil and peaceful place with its beautiful gardens and lake. We took a boat ride across the lake and enjoyed the breathtaking scenery.

Apart from visiting the landmarks we also tried various local delicacies. Peking Duck was definitely a highlight of our trip. The crispy skin and tender meat were incredibly delicious. We also tried traditional Beijing snacks such as Douzhi a fermented mung bean drink and Shāomài a type of dumpling. The flavors were unique and unlike anything we had tasted before.

Overall the trip to Beijing was a memorable experience. It was fascinating to immerse ourselves in the history and culture of the city. I hope to visit again someday and explore more of what Beijing has to offer.













The Influence of the Internet on Our Life

The internet has become an indispensable part of our daily life. It brings us a lot of conveniences and also brings many changes to our life.

Firstly the internet provides us with abundant information resources. By surfing the internet we can easily find various information we need including study materials news events and entertainment information no matter where we are. This broadens our knowledge and improves our learning efficiency.

Secondly the internet makes our social life more convenient. Through various social media platforms we can keep in touch with friends family and colleagues no matter where we are. We can share our lives opinions and experiences and also gain a lot of useful information from others. This greatly enriches our social circle and brings people closer together.

However the emergence of the internet also brings some negative impacts. Firstly internet addiction has become a serious social problem. Some people are addicted to online games or social media platforms and cannot extricate themselves. It not only affects their study and work but also harms their physical health and social abilities. Secondly the internet is also e to spreading false information. Some irresponsible individuals may deliberately spread rumors or false information causing unnecessary troubles to society.

In conclusion the internet has had a tremendous impact on our lives bringing many conveniences and opportunities but it also comes with some problems that need to be addressed seriously. We should use the internet correctly make full use of its advantages and also be cautious of the risks it presents.
