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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 02:39:33 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”练书法的好处“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The benefits of practicing calligraphy。以下是关于练书法的好处的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”练书法的好处“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The benefits of practicing calligraphy。以下是关于练书法的好处的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of practicing calligraphy


Learning calligraphy is one of the most beneficial activities that a student can take part in. Not only does it enhance one’s artistic sense but it also improves one’s concentration patience and creativity.


Firstly calligraphy promotes better focus and concentration. As one writes the individual is forced to tune out all distractions and focus solely on the strokes and characters being created. This skill of being able to concentrate on one task is one that can be applied to all aspects of life from studying for exams to completing tasks at work.


Secondly calligraphy teaches patience and perseverance. It takes time and practice to master the art of calligraphy and there will be times of frustration and mistakes. However these setbacks are opportunities to learn and to improve. Through continuous practice and effort one can improve their skills and create beautiful works of art.


Lastly calligraphy fosters creativity. Learning the techniques and styles of calligraphy can inspire new ideas and designs. Students can experiment with different colors and materials to create unique and personalized works of art.


In conclusion learning calligraphy is a beneficial and enriching activity that all students should consider. Not only does it promote better concentration patience and creativity but it is also a beautiful art form that can be appreciated by all.



The Benefits of Practicing Tai Chi


Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense techniques and health benefits. Originating from traditional Chinese medicine and philosophy practicing Tai Chi offers a multitude of benefits for both the body and mind.


Firstly Tai Chi promotes physical health. Regular practice of Tai Chi can improve balance flexibility and coordination. The slow flowing movements of the practice engage the whole body leading to increased strength and endurance. Additionally it can improve cardiovascular fitness lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.


Secondly Tai Chi has mental health benefits. The practice requires a focused and calm mind leading to improved concentration and mindfulness. Regular practice of Tai Chi can reduce stress anxiety and depression. The slow meditative movements of Tai Chi also promote relaxation allowing practitioners to experience a sense of inner peace and tranquility.


Lastly practicing Tai Chi offers social benefits. It can be practiced alone as a form of self-reflection and self-improvement. However it is also often practiced in groups providing opportunities for social interaction connection and community building. Joining a Tai Chi class can provide a supportive and inclusive environment where individuals can learn and grow together.


In conclusion practicing Tai Chi offers a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental health. Whether it is for the improvement of physical fitness mental well-being or the creation of social connections Tai Chi is a valuable practice that can enhance overall quality of life.



In our country, calligraphy has always been regarded as one of the most important arts. We have advocated practicing calligraphy since we were young, because we can get some benefits from it. Obviously, practicing calligraphy is very helpful to improve our calligraphy level.

Second, it can help us to settle down and soften our emotions when we are anxious or upset. Practicing calligraphy can calm us down and become rational, so that we will not do impulsive things. Practicing calligraphy is a good way to improve our appreciation ability by practicing different kinds of books Law, we can understand the characteristics of various calligraphy, compare with each other, learn to appreciate, in short, we can cultivate a good aesthetic vision, practice calligraphy is absolutely beneficial, and we can learn to practice calligraphy persistently, because it requires a lot of perseverance and perseverance.


