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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 05:39:29 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”感动的经历“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Touching experience。以下是关于感动的经历的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”感动的经历“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Touching experience。以下是关于感动的经历的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”感动的经历“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Touching experience。以下是关于感动的经历的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Touching experience

A rainy day, I will think of my dear grandfather, think of the day that moved me most is Friday, I don't know who made the day, the sky outside the window suddenly darkened, drizzle down fluffy, one to noon, drizzle has gradually turned into a downpour, I think the sky, a lot of black how to do, I did not take an umbrella and did not bring my family said to me to look at the day Empty, rainy moment also keep mom and dad still working, grandfather and grandmother's health is not good, I did not take money, watching a student out of the school, I feel really bad, at this moment I am very envious, a kind of kind voice came to my ear, "Jiang Meng" I turned to look, "grandfather" I was excited to shout, I saw my grandfather riding a bicycle, wearing a piece Black raincoat, but the raincoat can't stop it. This is reflected in the rain covered my schoolbag and ran to my grandfather. My grandfather asked me to hand me the umbrella.

I found a seat wrapped in plastic. He said that he was afraid that the swivel ring was wet. I felt very excited.

"Sit up." grandfather said, "no, but I have an umbrella. I can go back by myself. Please don't take me, This skate ss "grandfather is old, riding your bike will be very dangerous, not to mention the rain belt.

My grandfather was busy and said," OK, I don't worry if you come back in the rainy day. Let's go. My grandfather blew his umbrella bigger, and his body was blown bigger by the wind.

I blew my raincoat bigger. There were more raindrops on my grandfather's face. I made up my mind Not yet successful, finally home, my grandfather is full of water, grandma quickly picked up a towel to ask me what happened, grandfather quickly interrupted: "yes, the umbrella is broken, I left her raincoat, so wet, I will go.




An unforgettable experience, the sun mercilessly shining on my back, burned my schoolbag, burned my hair, there was no rustling of leaves, everything around was still invisible, everyone left, as a shelter, I was the last student to leave school, could not see the bus, took about 50 minutes to walk home, curse and kick a stone ominously Sitting on the ground, I didn't realize what I was waiting for, a disaster I had caused. I kicked the stone into the air and landed on the road with a bang. It was totally unintentional.

Everything that happened from then on was very fast at the beginning. I couldn't see the potential danger caused by this small stone. Until a motorcycle sped by, I was stunned and stunned, not to mention being stunned unconsciously.

The driver flew by, the stone hit his head, and the motorcycle lost its balance and fell to the ground He grabbed me and tore me to pieces like a masurila. The darkness engulfed my brain. My heart pounded, and my legs took on a jelly like quality.

The result of the accident was a heartbreaking sight. I couldn't believe how much damage a seemingly tiny stone could cause, blood splashing on every corner of the motorcycle driver's head His face was twisted badly in the gap. His face was twisted under his helmet.

I dare not look at it. Because this accident has been devastating to me, I silently pray to the Buddha that this person will be reincarnated into a better person in the next life. With my hands clasped, this man was officially declared dead.

After I called the medical staff and police, the accident will be engraved forever In my heart, it left an indelible scar on me, and I just want to pay tribute to the victim, my victim.




After many years, one thing I will never forget is that Spring Festival is our traditional festival. During the Spring Festival, people usually visit their friends and relatives. When I was old, my family took the bus to my grandparents' house and said "Happy New Year" to them in the bus.

I sat very well. The bus came to a vilaki. A woman was sitting in the car with a child in her arms.

There was no seat, but she had to take care of her child carefully. She had to stand next to her sister and try to get her to sit down, but I was afraid to hear other people say, "that girl wants to be praised." I looked around at most of the people around me, the windows and some sleeping soundly, and a little boy behind me stood up to make room for the woman. He said with a smile, "thank you very much.".

The boy laughed. When I told my cousin about it, he said, "the child is the father of a man." I was frustrated. Why can't I do that like a little boy? I learned that we should try our best to help those in need.

If everyone contributes to helping others, the world will be a better place.



