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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 05:43:25 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”动物园“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:zoo。以下是关于动物园的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。




I had a good time at the zoo. Hello, everyone. I'm glad to tell you what I did last Sunday.

My friend Li Jiong and I went to a beautiful zoo called Zhongshan. There are many animals in the zoo. We see many monkeys, tigers, giraffes and so on.

We had a good time in the zoo. what about you?.





In the zoo, today is the zoo where WAMI is going to the zoo. I can see many animals. The elephant is walking.

The monkey is in the swimming zoo. There are many rabbits in the swimming zoo. They are very cute.

Look at the birds. They are flying. I'm very happy.

My parents and I went to the zoo by bus. We saw many kinds of animals there, such as elephants, pandas, lions and tigers. Some of them are very cute But some are ugly, some are scary, but some are very friendly.

My favorite animal is panda. It is very cute and shy. My father took a picture of me with the panda.

I was very tired when I went home, but I had a good time in the zoo. I got up early last Sunday. I went to the zoo by bus with my parents.

We saw many animals there, such as elephants, pandas, lions, tigers. Some are cute, but some are ugly, some are scary, but some are friendly. My favorite animal is panda.

It's very cute and shy. My father took a picture for me and I was very tired when I took the panda home. But I had a good time in the zoo.

Yesterday was Sunday. The weather was fine. I went to visit the zoo with my parents.

We took the bus to leave in the morning. When we arrived there, there were many people watching the animals, some people were playing games, and some people were resting below. Let's go first Go and see the birds, then the monkeys.

They are lovely. We also saw tigers and lions. We saw many animals in the zoo and we were very happy.






Today is Saay. I had a good time today, because I went to the zoo in the morning. After breakfast, my grandmother woke me up.

My grandparents took me to the zoo. We went to the zoo by bus. There were many people.

We saw many kinds of animals. Some were lovely but some were afraid. I was afraid of snakes.

I like to go to the zoo because I can see many animals.


