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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 15:58:44 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”婚礼的加“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Wedding's addition。以下是关于婚礼的加的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”婚礼的加“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Wedding's addition。以下是关于婚礼的加的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”婚礼的加“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Wedding's addition。以下是关于婚礼的加的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wedding's addition

Honey, in the past, our policy was to supply ice to our customers when their ice makers failed because we had many customers who paid late, and later we were forced to develop stronger corporate policies. Our new policy will come into effect in August. If customers are late for more than days each month, our new policy is as follows: if the payment is made and the machine is not working, we will not provide ice, we will repair the machine, and the unused days of the machine will be charged to the customer's account when we service the phone.

We will ask for full payment of any outstanding balance. For declining accounts, we will charge a surcharge. I'm sorry, we have to go to the extreme.

I'm afraid we have no other choice. Our company policy has always been to provide the best service for our customers. If you have any questions about our new policy, we can only continue to cooperate with customers.

Please call me.





My sister's wedding my sister is going to get married next month. As soon as I mentioned this, I was very happy that my sister had been preparing for the wedding for several months. She and her boyfriend took a lot of pictures, and then she bought new clothes.

So my uncle's family were busy preparing her dowry because she wanted to have a different wedding. She insisted that the dowry should be books rather than anything else Quality, the wedding will not invite too many people, just a few friends and relatives, I look forward to her wedding good luck.




I remember his young father holding his young face in my hand, and my son rolling around my face, and I don't think he'll look me in the eyes like a tired little boy any more, like a girl and a half of my hooligans leaning over my side, guests clapping, kissing me on the cheek and straightening me up. The past tears of regret threatened my eyes, no one did not regret tears, I do not regret, this boy - this man - is concerned, always my pure happiness, can not erase the sadness and sadness, heartache, but never regret the pain of giving birth to a child is like losing a family member. If my son is everything he wants, there is no regret when the music slows down.

His mood seemed to be shaking. If I saw any feeling in his eyes, I would cry into his arms and put my head on his strong shoulder. Silence had already come to the whole room, even the children were in a hurry.

The soft piano guides us around the floor of our face, which is always close to us, and new faces are destined to be the same. When I realized that this was not a day for tears, a smile appeared on my face. It's a very subtle gesture to let me know that it's my turn to care about my new daughter.

It's not a day to cry, but they can't threaten my sighs and touch his smooth cheek. Seeing a baby's face and manis this day is hard for all mothers, and I can't help thinking when the music easily switches to the one he chooses to dance with, and then use my other A hand found her shy face, and I couldn't talk to them, but I knew my heart was in my eyes, because every one who accepted my kiss came to the edge of the floor, and I suddenly realized that I did have a regret today that my husband was not here to hold my hand Melissa kebenon - spinning, flashing, pranks, though.




