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相信的英文_believe 4篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-29 14:29:35 阅读: 次

相信的英文_believe 4篇

前言: 关于”相信“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:believe。以下是关于相信的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。



Believe in yourself, you will win. Sometimes we may encounter many difficulties and sorrows. We can cry or smile, but we should not give up our dreams.

We should try to smile at life. Life is like a colorful stage. There are many sad things.

When we fail the exam, we should not feel unhappy. We should continue to insist. We must encourage ourselves Cheer up, believe in yourself, never give up, believe in yourself, believe that you will succeed, because believe is an important factor in success, believe in yourself is self-confidence.

When I encounter difficulties in school, I believe in myself, I can overcome any difficulties in life, because I am a confident and capable girl, do what I want to do and achieve in my life Success is a journey of happiness and sorrow. You believe in yourself and you will win.




When I was very young, my parents liked to read me stories before I went to bed. These fairy tales always attracted me. I believed in magic, so I tried to practice finding my magic.

Even if I failed, I was still full of passion. Now I know magic doesn't exist, but it can enrich children's mind.




Maybe it's because when parents don't trust their children, or they don't allow them to believe in their own things, parents doubt their children in the same situation. But I think it's not good if children don't get trust from their parents, then children will surprise their parents now or even worse, I don't know what to say.



本文标题:相信的英文_believe 4篇